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Septic Solutions: An Introduction

I recently bought a house with a septic tank for the very first time. I thought I was prepared, but I really had no idea what I was getting into. Shortly after we moved in, the septic tank backed up. I had to call for emergency septic services to have it pumped and taken care of. That's when I learned that I had overlooked some of the signs that the tank needed to be emptied. I created this site to share my experience and the tips that I learned along the way. My goal is to help others avoid the same septic problems that I have dealt with.



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Septic Solutions: An Introduction

Potential Threats That Can Impact Your Septic System's Performance

by Camila Pena

If your home has a septic system for processing its wastewater, you will need to be aware of the more common issues that can negatively impact the performance of this system. When a homeowner is unable to effectively address the more common problems their septic system may experience, they can quickly find that neglecting these repairs may have disastrous consequences for their septic system.

Excess Water Use

Due to the fact that a septic system is designed to process the wastewater from a home, it may seem unexpected that using too much water could lead to serious problems for the unit. However, a septic system is only designed to process a limited amount of water at a time. If individuals exceed this capacity, the system can clog. These clogs occur because the excess water can disturb solid materials in the tank that may not have finished breaking down. If these materials enter the drain system from the tank, they could lead to clogs deep in the network of pipes.

Soil Compression

If the soil around the septic tank has become excessively compressed, it could be possible for the system to fail to be able to drain. Excessively compact soil can be extremely resistant to letting water pass through it, which may make it harder for the tank to empty its contents. Parking on top of the drain field or near this system can contribute to soil compression. In addition to parking your vehicles away from this system, periodically having the soil near this system aerated may help to alleviate any compression issues that are starting to develop with the system. Improving the performance of the septic tank may not be the only benefit that you can enjoy by aerating the soil near this system, as it may also help grass and other plants to spread their roots.

Non-Degradable Items In The Tank

A septic tank system will be able to break down the majority of items that enter it. However, individuals that flush non-degradable items, such as plastics or metals, can find that their system suffers a catastrophic clog. Unfortunately, accidents can happen, which may allow for these items to go down the drains in your home where they will find their way to this tank. Using drain strainers can reduce the risks of this happening as the strainer will be able to intercept these items before they can manage to enter the home's plumbing system.

You can contact your local septic services for more information about septic system repair and maintenance.
