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Septic Solutions: An Introduction

I recently bought a house with a septic tank for the very first time. I thought I was prepared, but I really had no idea what I was getting into. Shortly after we moved in, the septic tank backed up. I had to call for emergency septic services to have it pumped and taken care of. That's when I learned that I had overlooked some of the signs that the tank needed to be emptied. I created this site to share my experience and the tips that I learned along the way. My goal is to help others avoid the same septic problems that I have dealt with.



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Septic Solutions: An Introduction

3 Tell-Tale Signs You Should Hire Septic Pumping Services

by Camila Pena

Owning a home is without a doubt a great achievement. This is a place where you take a rest, create beautiful memories, and spend time with your loved ones, all of which improve your quality of life. Even so, homeownership comes with numerous responsibilities, key among them being septic tank maintenance.

Your septic tank is where all the waste goes each time you flush the toilet, meaning that it will have to be emptied once it starts filling up. But how can you tell when it's time to call a septic pumping service provider? Here are the signs to look out for.

1. Sewage Smell   

Does your home seem to have a persistent sewage smell lately? If yes, then the chances are that the odor is coming from your septic pump. As it gets full, it exerts pressure on the air inside, expelling it out and making the surrounding area smell.

Keep in mind that the gas can also exit in areas such as the toilet, sink, and drains. This is the last thing you want as it can make your home smell awful. In this case, it's crucial to invest in professional septic pumping services lest the odor spreads to the entire neighborhood.

2. Slow Drainage    

When toilets, sinks, and showers start draining slower than they should, this is a warning sign that your septic tank is filling up. Should you not take action immediately, it won't be long before the water stagnates since it won't have anywhere to go. As if that's not enough, wastewater might start backing up, making it impossible to use the toilet or bathrooms.

Such a situation is not only inconveniencing, but it can also compromise your home's hygiene standards. Having the tank pumped will go a long way in protecting the health of your loved ones.

3. Lush Vegetation Near the Septic Tank

If the grass near the septic tank seems healthier, it can only mean that it's getting extra nutrients from a nearby source. This isn't surprising because the effluent overflowing from your septic tank serves as fertilizer. As a result, the surrounding plantation becomes healthier than the rest.

Note that the effluent can find its way to the surface. You are likely to notice water paddles on your property whenever this happens. Unfortunately, this is a health risk, and it's essential to have a septic pumping expert address the problem.

With these tips, you now know when to contact a seasoned septic pumping company. Remember that septic pumping is an excellent way of ensuring that the tank serves you for many years.
