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Septic Solutions: An Introduction

I recently bought a house with a septic tank for the very first time. I thought I was prepared, but I really had no idea what I was getting into. Shortly after we moved in, the septic tank backed up. I had to call for emergency septic services to have it pumped and taken care of. That's when I learned that I had overlooked some of the signs that the tank needed to be emptied. I created this site to share my experience and the tips that I learned along the way. My goal is to help others avoid the same septic problems that I have dealt with.



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Septic Solutions: An Introduction

Signs You Need To Quickly Get The Septic Tank Pumped

by Camila Pena

As the owner of a property that has a septic tank instead of access to a public sewage line, you will need to make sure that you are staying on top of the septic pumping. If you are not sure if you need to have the tank pumped yet or not, you will want to continue reading. Here are a few signs of trouble that would indicate that your septic tank is overdue for pumping and you need to get it done right away.

You Smell Sewage In All Of Your Drains

If you are starting to catch a whiff of sewage coming up through all of the drains in your house, you need to take that as a serious sign that something needs to be done. You will want to call for septic tank pumping before it's more than just fumes coming up through the drains. Before you know it, actual sewage waste water will begin coming into your home through the drains. This is toxic and simply a horrible mess to deal with.

The Yard Is Soaked And It Hasn't Rained

You will need to immediately call for septic tank system pumping if your yard is becoming wet even though it has not rained. The soaking of the ground above and around your underground septic tank generally means that there is either a crack in the tank or it is overflowing. Either way, the tank will need to be pumped in order to resolve the problem. Make sure that you are keeping kids and animals away from that area until the toxic waste is dealt with.

Whether your septic tank needs to be immediately pumped or not, it is a good idea to make sure that you are spending a little time figuring out who you will call for septic tank system pumping when the time does come. This way, you will not waste time trying to figure out who to call while septic waste is backing up into your home. Also, once you do find a suitable contractor or company for the job, you might want to hire them to do an initial inspection of your septic tank system. They can check out everything and let you know if there are any issues you should be aware of and they can also give you a rough estimate of how much longer you might have before the tank needs to be pumped.

For more information on septic pumping, contact a company near you.
